Four Easy Articles to Improve Your Testing Today!

I’ve seen a few examples lately where the word “test” was bandied about when no such thing took place. One of my recent favorites was this article by the MD of a digital trading desk who claimed to be testing when, in fact, he was creating spurious data flotsam for a clickbait headline.

Takeaway number 1: Read the blog posts by the leaders of the digital marketing service providers you rely on for marketing, testing, and analytical advice. You just may decide to switch agencies.

Takeaway number 2: If you can’t design the gold standard marketing test–the univariate test–you have no business doing more complicated tests.

For a quick refresher course in statistics for marketing test design, check out Evan Miller’s excellent blog*. He’s written several articles on testing that statistics that will make your tests better today.

A lot of the growth hacker babble I read–at least as much as I can stomach–leads me to believe they are advocating running Bayesian A/B tests, except without the correct math. Making them non-tests, but I digress.

To help solve that problem, Evan has also written an easy-to-understand article on setting up Bayesian A/B testing. It is worthwhile reading for those doing online testing such as home page design, path testing, cart tests and the like.

* A last plug for Evan. He creates and sells the wonderful Wizard statistical analysis software for Mac OS X. It is worth every penny. I highly recommend it!

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2 Responses to Four Easy Articles to Improve Your Testing Today!

  1. suebrady5 says:

    Good to remember the importance of statistical significance in testing, as well as knowing how you might be creating false positive results. I’m sure it’s not an uncommon trap. I always peek at my tests while they’re underway, but try to hold off on any conclusions until the test is complete. Though given Evan’s article, I better make sure my sample sizes are large enough so that I know my results will hold up over time :)


  2. Pingback: 4 Ways to Improve Your Tests by Mark Pilipczuk | Digital Marketing Musings

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